Grant's Cleaning Services - Work Waiver


This waiver outlines that we (Grant’s Cleaning Services) are not responsible should any of the following happen when we complete a clean* to your property: 

  • Glass may in the process of cleaning become scratched if there is excess grit, dirt and debris on the windows or frames. If a conservatory has dirt, debris or moss falling from a roof or gutter onto the glass or perspex roof this may cause scratching or damage.

  • Paint on wooden window frames may come away, deteriorate or fade from the frames of the windows if a regular painting schedule is not upheld. We will not be liable for any damage our equipment may cause if the paint is of substandard quality or in a poor condition.

  • uPVC frames with a grey tinge to them may not reflect their true colour (if white) as years of grime and pollution may have built up, we will not remove this during a standard window clean.

  • uPVC that is coloured or painted will not be cleaned with any form of chemical as this may tarnish or remove the pigment.

There are other factors that may affect your property when we clean and these may not have been covered as per the above.

When we work we will/use:

  • Extreme caution and care at all times and we will be vigilant and aware of our surroundings whilst on your property.

  • Take great care when externally cleaning your property.

  • Trade standard brushes made specifically to clean glass, uPVC, wood and metal.

  • Protective brush guards on each and every brush and they are inspected daily to make sure they protect your windows (glass, frames, sills and doors).

  • Fibreglass and carbon mixed or predominantly carbon fibre poles extended to the required height or your property and or ladders if access is needed to stand on a flat roof to make sure the external clean is completed safely.

With the above in mind we (the client) will not hold Grant’s Cleaning Services responsible should any of the above mentioned or other unforeseen occurrences happen during the external property clean to the windows (glass, frames, sills, doors) and uPVC/wood/metal frames.


* Cleaning is undertaken using pure filtered water with a soap solution additive that aids cleaning and water flow. The cleaning solution is not harmful to the glass, uPVC, wood or metal that is on your windows that are in a good condition.

In some cases we may use an extra chemical to complete the clean which is a non caustic makeup. This should not affect your property however, in some extreme cases it may discolour

 uPVC which has been severely sun damaged may change colour when being cleaned and we will conduct a test patch in an inconspicuous place if we can see the uPVC is sun damaged. Please note sun damage may not appear until the cleaning has started.

This is not an extensive list of elements that may happen whilst we clean however, we will not be held liable for any damage caused whilst we clean at your property, we will always conduct a site visit and we will aim to put any issues right if we have been made aware of them.

Any issues will need to be reported to our team on our office number 0116 3325138 within 24 hours.

For more information please call us on our office number 0116 3325138 or our mobile on 07914 152951.